About the
Typeform integration
Continue the conversations you started on Typeform by automating the next steps of your customer’s journey in Autopilot.
About the
Autopilot API integration
The Autopilot REST API allows you to send contacts from Autopilot to your app, add contacts from your app into Autopilot, trigger Autopilot journeys from your app, keep unsubscribes in sync between Autopilot and your app, enhance contact profiles with custom fields and data from your app and get data from your app into and out of Salesforce using Autopilot's native integration.
About the
Kissmetrics integration
Kissmetrics is a person-based analytics package that makes it easy to track events and funnels online helping you focus on the important bits of your online business. Autopilot has this same capability and is an alternative to Kissmetrics.