Are you retargeting your contacts? You should be.

Autopilot in Growth hacking on 26th of Sep 2019

Are you retargeting your contacts? You should be.

Retargeted visitors are 70% more likely to purchase

Have you ever visited a website then noticed a bunch of ads following you around all over the internet? Put simply: retargeting is an advertising method that displays ads to users who have previously visited your site, whilst they are browsing other sites. It’s all about reaching out to your contacts wherever they are on the web, at exactly the right time, to sway them to return to your site. Retargeted visitors are nearly 70% more likely to make a purchase than those who are not retargeted, so it’s about time you put a retargeting strategy in place.

Reach out so you’re not forgotten

We built this retargeting logic into a journey to help you get started on social channels as soon as possible. In this journey, we’re capturing contacts when they SMS a keyword to our number, enticing them with a discount on their first purchase. We’ll capture their name and email, and send their code, all via SMS. If a contact hasn’t responded to our SMS messages, and hasn’t received the discount code after 4 hours, they’ll be added to our retargeting audience on Facebook, to be advertised to. You could also use Google Adwords to target your customers, to cover all your channels. Using this retargeting logic in your journeys helps you stay top of mind and target your contacts directly to remind them about their pending discount offer.

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