About the
Salesforce integration
Align sales and marketing with Autopilot's best-in-class Salesforce integration. Sync data bi-directionally, map custom fields, assign leads and trigger journeys based on lead status, campaign status and more.
About the
Email integration
Send beautiful, responsive and personalized marketing emails. All with drag and drop. Send newsletters, blog posts, webinar invitations, lead nurture emails, drip email sequences and more.
You can also use Autopilot for transactional email. Send timely, personalized and professional transactional emails. Send order confirmations, purchase receipts, account updates, system messages, form submission confirmations, cart abandonment emails and more.
Autopilot supports the Liquid template language. This provides a powerful and flexible way to personalize your emails. Liquid allows you to include dynamic content in your emails. It also allows you to personalize your emails using dynamic logic.
About the
Amplitude integration
Amplitude provides product analytics to help companies understand user behavior. Autopilot does all this, but better - dashboards, graphs, customer segmentation.
Most important, Autopilot shines as an alternative to Amplitude because you can take ACTION on your analysis: sending email campaigns, SMS, sending the right messages to customers at the right time.